The 'Μeaning Τakers' of the day

Day 7 - Saturday 25th April

‘Stones? I save them all! One day I will build a castle.’

Unfortunately the last day arrive so far that we barely noticed. The stones we have all collected during this week – challenges and difficulties - had turned into beautiful castles. The idea that we had a week ago is now real, tangible and more important playable.

The last day started with last minute improvement and an early goodbye from one of our teams. After was time to PLAY the improved games from the day before. Some changes and useful feedback were given from all the players in order to develop the best and final gaming experience.

Them it came the real deal. With all the games finished all the groups made a small presentation about the games. We were able to see the happiness and the sense of accomplishment of out Game Masters.

In the end of the day, making a star on the beach, we all share our thoughts, emotions and achievements. Some tears, some laughs and the memories of an unforgettable experience.

We Are Amaizing!

Alina, Davis, Tiago

Day 6 - Friday 24th April

Kostja, Zhanna, Lidia

Day 5 - Thursday 23rd April

Nicole, Ana, Ruslana

Day 4 - Wednesday 22nd April

Today was another interesting and meaningful day. After some good energizers we all created another poster to improve our games. Then the leader of each group has to explain more detail about the game to the other colleagues from the other groups to get some feedback. They had to make suggestions to help the other improving their game. We all had a gain from this activity and I think it will be helpful for us to successfully evolve our game.

After eating one on the healthiest and tastiest lunch – melting in your mount fish with French fries and salad with OF COURSE olive oil – we have smoothly moved to the swimming pool to lose some kilograms and refresh ourselves a little bit.

After all leisure time spending we have welcomed two Greeks, teachers in school for creating and writing fairy-tales in Kea island, who have come to tell us about storytelling. Never before heard about fairy-tales schools we were very interested. So imagine we were sitting and listening to a fairy-tales in Greek! After that we combined some elements of basic fairy-tales structure with our games and presented it to the others. All elements of the story telling session  can be useful for our games.

We are continuing to work on creating something great. Stay tuned with us. See u tomorrow.

Kostja, Marios, Natasha

Day 3 - Tuesday 21st April

Another day at Train2Game. Today our challenges begin with Psychology Games. We learn about 4 different theories, which one focusing on different perspectives about Mind Gaming. We learn how to analyze behaviors and identify relationships among the players. It was interesting to see the different strategies and the diverse connections created during the gaming time.
We were divided in to groups and which group had a different type of theories. The four theories were: Octalysis, Social Action Matrix, 4 keys to Fun and Player Engagement Process. After spending some time studying each one it was asked of us to arrange some kind of graphs/tools/charts, instruments to classify through observation gaming process.
After the satisfying awesome fantastic tight lunch, we had this amazing perfect red apple. Never had tasted something like this before in my life!!!!!
In the afternoon, it was asked to define the actions involve in our future games to be. It was a hard task; some of us do not have a concrete idea of what is to be done. Others changed their proposals; some of them had some upgrades or improvements and so on. Let’s see what tomorrows bring!!! 

Catarina,  Yaroslav, Yaroslav

Day 2 - Monday 20th April

Monday, the first day of the week.
Lots of excitement and lots of new games, new experiences and a whole of new knowledge to gain. Because in games, as in life, you don't always win.
Knowing how to fail, accepting it and using it for your progression, is a success itself!
Learning about the Basic Desires of the playes was also very important for the creation of our games. We are looking forward to Tuesday!

 Marius, Robo, Maria

Day 1- Sunday 19th April

We didn't know each other
But then we had some games
Some run to find us lemons
and others learned to dance
We made it all together
and seperately as well.
And in the evening managed
to have fun and Invent.

Doina - Maria - Victor

Sponsors and Supporters

Thanks to our sponsors and supporters, we give extra value to Train2Game Training Course and make a playful experience happen!


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